El día del Señor… por Joseph Sarraceno

Nos ha llegado un e-mail con la noticia de que ha salido a la venta el libro THE DAY OF THE LORD AND THE SIGNS OF HIS COMING escrito por Joseph B. D. Saraceno.

Adjuntamos la introducción al mismo y la forma en la que pueden adquir este texto que, si bien podemos no coincidir con el autor, no deja de ser interesante leer.

Are we approaching the final countdown for the return of Our Lord? And why are Christians confused over the revelation of the Day of the Lord?
Joseph Saraceno clarifies for us through the Scriptures, Tradition, and Church teaching what has been one of the most confusing subjects of the Christian faith.
In giving us the Day of the Coming of the Lord (Pentecost Sunday), he also gives us an approximate arrival time which, according to the current trend of events, is pointing somewhere after 2008.
Hopefully after reading this booklet the confusion will come to an end. You will rejoice in the good news of the Coming of the Lord and focus your attention on getting prepared for His coming.

Nihil Obstat +Oliver Oravec, Epis. 10 March 1992

This thesis was first introduced by Mr Saraceno in March, 1970, in his writings “Christ’s Return and The Beast of the Apocalypse”.

$4.00 post paid: Send to:

Joseph B. D. Saraceno

17024 W 170 th St. #8

Gardena, Ca. 90247-5215

2 comentarios en “El día del Señor… por Joseph Sarraceno”

  1. Leonardo Rodriguez

    amice yo tengo el libro del famoso padre lacunza sobre este tema,,,recuerda ??, el Lacunza del padre Castellani,,,si le interesa s lo envío a su correo,,,no más digame,,,nos enfrascamos en discusiones que ante eventos como la parusía casi que pierden toda la trascendencia que les damos,,,

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